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A Message From Bonjibon

A Message From Bonjibon

When we launched Bonjibon just over 6 months ago our mission was, in addition to curating and selling sexual wellness products and content, to create a company that values inclusion, diversity and activism. Our ethos as a sexual wellness company and as personal individuals has always been rooted in activism and this will never change.

These past two weeks have been heartwrenching, inspiring, necessary and revolutionary in not only the United States but here in Canada and all over the world. We stand in absolute solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and the protests that have taken place and continue to roll through our communities.

We are a company founded by two white women and that is not lost on us. We take the responsibility of amplifying, supporting and working with BIPOC seriously. We take the responsibility of working with voices, experiences, companies and writers that are different from ours seriously. We may be small and new but we have made it our mission from the beginning to hire and work with BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks for our magazine and to use our platform to further their voices and experiences.

In addition to using our content platforms to support voices and initiatives we believe in, we recognize that monetary donations are a key tool to help the success of these initiatives. We launched The Bonjibon Initiative in April as a way to financially give back to our community and support charities that are doing the work on the ground to better this world. It is important to us both personally and professionally to give back in both highlighting an organization on our channel and also contributing financially to their success. 

Saying all of this, we’d like to outline our promise to you, our followers, customers and supporters to:

  1. Always use our social media platforms and magazine as platforms to amplify diverse POVs, voices and experiences on social, health and political matters. 
  2. As we grow, continue to hire diversely and create a workspace that honours everyone’s voices and experiences. 
  3. Ensure that a portion of our sales will always be donated back into our community and that the organizations we donate to will help support the values we demand to see in the world through the Bonjibon Initiative.
  4. Carry products that are inclusive for all bodies and not work with companies that do not align with our values.
  5. Own up to any mistakes we may make in the future, listen to the feedback and new information and then act swiftly to right or correct our actions moving forward.

We have put together a list of BIPOC organizations that we encourage you to donate to and follow. You can find it here. We have personally donated to a number of the organizations on the list and will be featuring and donating to some of these organizations through The Bonjibon Initiative in the future. This list will also be updated regularly to keep it evergreen

This week, June 15 – 21, we will be donating 10% of all sales to A Fund for Black-led Mental Health SupportsClick here to learn more about The Bonjibon Initiative.

We may begin posting more of our “typical” content but we will also not stop posting the content we’ve been posting in support of Black Lives Matter until the changes that need to happen take effect. 

With all our love,
Grace & Katie, Owners of Bonjibon

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