Our Quarantine Survival Guide
For many of us, life looks really different than it did one month ago, or even a few days ago. COVID-19 has really changed things, both in the short and long term. For now, many of us are being called to socially distance, self-isolate, or quarantine. While we may not have all of the answers, we can help with one thing: how to stay entertained and sane and home. Here’s a list of ten activities to keep you safe, sane, sanitized during quarantine.
Workout Online
Working out can be an essential component of self-care. It’s time to get creative. Take a look around your living space – have a laundry detergent that would work as a weight? If you’re looking for some inspiration, why not try out the seven-minute workout craze and download the app Seven. The app provides a variety of workouts, and includes fitness milestones. Conveniently, it is designed to be done at home with little or no equipment. Aaptiv is another great option – provides thousands of workouts with expert trainers leading you through audio.
Yoga Online
If you haven’t found your digital yoga space yet, now is the time. You can access some of the best yoga teachers from the comfort of your home. Popular websites include Glo and Yoga International. If you have an existing practice, I suggest messaging your yoga teacher to see what they recommend. They will likely have an idea of what online content you would enjoy – and they may have some of their own! They may direct you to up-and-coming sites like Daily Ritual that provide drop-in rates and a wide a range of class styles.
Netflix Party
Netflix party is an extension for your google chrome. It allows you to synchronize playback and chat with friends who are watching with you. No more counting down to starting your show, no: Netflix party has you covered. So sit back, relax, and enjoy Netflix n’ social chilling.
Meditate Online
One thing we know for sure is that being proactive about our mental health is key. There are tons of meditation apps – one of the most famous is Headspace. I also suggest spending some time thinking about the type of meditating will work for you, and doing some research.
Marie Kondo may have hit popular media before social distancing hit, but she still has it right. Spend some time evaluating what you have in your house – does the old pair of socks give you joy? Time to toss them. Spring cleaning has never been easier. And what’s more – you get to enjoy the fruits of your labours in a specially organized home.
Experiment with Baking
Can’t eat out, takeout is limited, can’t go pick up your favourite foods… Next time you stock up or order groceries, buy the basics for baking. Yeast, flour (Gluten free or gluten full), baking soda, baking powder, sugar, butter. Do some research – you’ll find that almost all baking can start from these ingredients and be adjusted. Because why not see if you can rival your favourite loaf of bread by the end of quarantine?
Who has time for books these days? All of us. Not only that, you can order books online or digitally. You can also use this as a point of connection outside of COVID. Check out this list of online book clubs that you can join! Don’t want to join a club but need ideas? Check out BJB recommends articles!
Chat n’ Chill
When is the last time you got to sit down and have a deep conversation with a friend? Where you weren’t distracted by the dude demanding your attention or waiting for food to arrive? Use this time as an opportunity to connect with the people that matter to you on a deeper level. Get old high school group together online. Talk sweet to your sextie. Skype your Mom.
Research That Thing
You know that thing you always wanted to understand but never had time to get into? Like, how computer screens work or why the House of Commons AND the Senate? Time to get researching. Google, order books, discuss on forums, and enjoy: now is the time to keep your brain occupied.
Not only is masturbation fun, it literally floods your brain and body with feel-good hormones like dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. With the additional time and space, we suggest mixing up your routine. How does solo anal play feel? Do you enjoy play in the shower? Are glass toys actually your thing? Time alone (or with partners), at home, is a huge opportunity when it comes to pleasure.
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